City Samara

Stara Zagora Str., 96A

Did you have any questions? Call us - we will answer!
+7 (846) 951-96-01
From 8.00 to 17.00

Complex Security-2017 International Show


From June 6th  to June 9th, Russian Emergencies Ministry's rescue center at Noginsk hosted Complex Security-2017 International Show of security equipment, where our company participated. The event is aimed at raising awareness of representatives of international organizations, national services, scientific community and public about the results of scientific researches and developments in the field of health and safety. State-of-the-art Russian innovative and hi-tech products in the field of public health and safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of consequences of natural and man-made disasters, ensuring fire safety, safety on water, systems of disaster prediction and prevention were displayed at the show. Company specialists presented their recent developments in the field of integrated smart security systems and gave an on-line demonstration of Integra-Planet-4D integrated platform performance. Integra-Planet-4D is a unique high-end geographic information system where all objects, sensors, devices and even video content are georeferenced and time-referenced. The system provides a 3D virtual world of objective reality.
