АПК «Умный город / Безопасный город» - совокупность комплексных средств автоматизации существующих и перспективных федеральных, региональных, муниципальных и объектовых автоматизированных систем на местном уровне, объединенных для решения задач в сфере обеспечения защиты населения и территорий от ЧС природного и техногенного характера, общественной безопасности, правопорядка и безопасности среды обитания, а также взаимодействующих с ними автоматизированных систем в рамках единой региональной информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры.
Основой системы АПК «Умный город / Безопасный город» должна стать государственная автоматизированная система мониторинга безопасности среды обитания, интегрированная через единые диспетчерские службы администраций муниципальных образований на уровне муниципальных районов и округов, обеспечивающая сквозную передачу и обработку информации,целостность и согласованность потоков информации и процедур в рамках межведомственного взаимодействия с учетом ограничений прав доступа. Консорциум «Интегра-С» разработал систему,которая удовлетворяет всем вышеперечисленным требованиям – интеграционную платформу «Интегра 4D-Планета Земля».
The source code of such programs is available for viewing, learning and changing, which allows the user to monitor the program, participate in the finalization of the most open program, use code to create new programs and fix errors in them. Operating system with open source code makes it impossible to install spyware and wiretapping and excludes the possibility of information leakage. The difference between such an operating system is that open source code excludes the presence of bookmarks.
OS with closed source codes (foreign producers like Windows, MS-Office, Android, iOS, etc.) automatically implies the possibility of remote management of data or the removal of some information, making the system unprotected and vulnerable by the owners of the source code.
(Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 2299-r.; Federal Law No. 188-FZ of June 29, 2015, signed by V.V. Putin, according to which, as of January 1, 2016, the use of foreign software on all territory of the Russian Federation).
This allows you to integrate software and hardware from different manufacturers into a single hardware-software package. Otherwise, it is impossible to combine disparate devices and subsystems into a single APC.
This allows for monitoring of objects placed on different levels above the ground, including the underground (communication, tunnels, subway) to give the screen the familiar eye image of a man to cause display of the desired point location or room is not a choice of cameras aimed at the desired point , and a simple click-to-order on the point of the map-scheme, which displays the images of all cameras in whose zone of action is the place of interest. Rotary cameras, in this case, automatically unfold in the desired direction (at the specified coordinates). In turn, in the event of a critical situation or an alarming event, the natural perception of the situation speeds up and ensures adequate decision-making and its correct implementation.
Binding all components of the security system on the 3D-plan of the object with the reflection of their functional state increases the efficiency of eliminating possible technical deviations in the system operation.
(Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.11.2008 № 1662-r «On the Concept of Long-Term Social and Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the Period to 2020», Recommendations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 2-4-60-3-28 dated February 25, 2009.)
(In accordance with the requirement to protect the transmitted data and the Russian Federation Resolution No. 3-1 of January 5, 2004 «On Approving the Instruction on Securing the Secrecy Regime in the Russian Federation»)
(Law on Electronic Signature of April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ, Order No. 107 of 13.04.2012 On the approval of the Regulation on the federal state information system «Unified system for identification and authentication in the infrastructure providing information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form»).
The electronic signature identifies the owner of the EP certificate, and also protects against unauthorized changes in the information in the electronic document. The use of ES in security systems provides reliable protection against unauthorized access, personal responsibility for the transmitted information and its distortion (misinformation).
That is, the information is not transferred to a single center, where it is processed and further transmitted to the user, and analyzed and processed, and stored locally on the objects (distributed centers) and transmits the events simultaneously to all users in accordance with their access rights through any information transmission channels. Violation of the operation of a part of the system or its individual channels does not lead to a loss of information and a loss of the operability of the entire system, which ensures its stability and reliability of vital activity.