City Samara

Stara Zagora Str., 96A

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+7 (846) 951-96-01
From 8.00 to 17.00

Complex Security of the Ural District Military Court


Together with its partner Promtechbezopasnost LLC (Sverdlovsk region), Consortium Integra-S ensured complex Security of the Ural District Military Court, Yekaterinburg.

According to the project developed by Promtechbezopasnost LLC, main aims of the system were as follows:

  • control of the situation in all rooms of the Court, including utility and mechanical rooms;
    surveillance on the outside perimeter of the building;
    • registration of vehicles at the entrance to the Court premises;
    • prevention of unauthorized entry into the Court building; 
    • receipt of signals on unauthorized activity in automatic mode;
    • use of Integra-S software to integrate all systems on the basis of LinuxOS.

The following results were achieved:

• installation of a surveillance system with 50 IP and analog cameras and Integra-Video software; 
• integration of the existing fire and security systems with visualization on a 3D-model of the facility, integration of all sensors and cameras with georeferencing and time-referencing;
• entrance to the Court premises was equipped with Integra-Auto car number recognition and registration system; 
• installation of Integra- ACS access control and management system with modern turnstiles.
